Learn from the best - our GP Trial Class

Learn how to get grade A

How does this GP Trial class work

The GP trial class is conducted on an individual basis where a diagnosis of the student’s work with assessment on his weaknesses and strengths. An assessment report will be given to the students. At the same time, we will explain the teaching process, content and practices with a copy of the learning materials (essay outline and modal essay) to show you how we can get you grade A

Part of the paid trial class will also include a gp study magazine apps that will provide students a list of GP study material like essays, videos, facts and figures to make learning more convenient and interesting. You can have a better understanding when you browse for more information at the page for GP Study Magazine.

Steps to join the GP trial class

Step 1. Make payment of $75 via Paynow using this handphone no 96890510.

Step 2. Inform us about your preferred time slot.

Step 3. Tutor will call and arrange with the student or parents about the lesson with information like zoom link and materials

Step 4. Enjoy and learn well in this lesson

What can you learn from this GP Trial Class

This GP trial Class serves to provide a good understanding on how we can give your child an effective tuition programme is educational, enriching and analytical

Benefits of our GP tuition Programmes

Our GP tuition programme is highly effective in that it serves to build up students’ gp essay writing skills and comprehension answering techniques. We also nurture students’ intellectual acumen to prepare their independent thinking to be exam-oriented. This will raise their adaption to the more complex and challenging questions in the new syllabus with a quick mind to answer the question in a structured and accurate manner. We will achieve this through our skilled-based, practice-centered and exam-oriented learning approach. Lastly, students are guided on a close and motivational basis to inspire desire to excel on 24/7 basis. Find out more about our programmes and calls SImon @96890510 to enquire more.

GP Tuition


We imbue Essay Writing Skills and Comprehension Answering Techniques in our students to cultivate their intellectual acumen to develop logical thinking, write expressively and answer correctly to the GCE A level requirements.

GP Tuition


We raise students’ level of proficiency and competency through regular class practices, assignments and timed practices. Students are also given additional optional practices to encourage them to practice independently. Students can clarify their doubts and raise questions with ease with the tutor 24/7.

GP Tuition


It is an examination after all. Be well prepared with our spotted questions. Study in an efficient way with well-written materials. We nurture students to be ready for Grade A for examination.