Join our GP Tuition and get Grade A

Think Reflectively. Write Persuasively. Answer Correctly.

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Types of GP Tuition

Learn more about our JC Tuition

GP Tuition

Online or Physical Group Tuition

At, students have the option of attending either the online or physical class. The online class will be conducted online via a live streaming feature while the physical class will be conducted at our centre. Students will be able to engage in meaningful roundtable discussions with the tutor and peers in a group setting. Learn more about how our lessons are taught on a topical basis and the resources and learning tools we provide.

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GP Tuition

Individual Tuition

A comprehensive learning programme for JC students

Receive undivided attention, customised tutoring and flexible timings during individual tuitions. The lesson pace and learning plans will be customized according to students’ learning needs. The one-on-one tutoring sessions will include resources and activities such as content discussions, ample assignments and regular timed practices.

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How we teach

GP Tuition Online

  • In-house live streaming sessions
  • Engage in meaningful online discussions
  • Receive online worksheets and learning resources through our digital learning tools
  • Receive close guidance and teaching

GP Tuition Classroom

  • Small class teaching @ Bishan
  • Roundtable discussions and timed classroom practices
  • Receive physical worksheets and learning resources
  • Receive close guidance and teaching

Why join our GP Tuition?

Benefits of our programme

GP Tuition

Content Teaching

For content teaching, thematic issues will be covered by having Flipside Discussion, such as examining the problems faced by youths in this modern era. Students will be trained to become a proficient writer through reviewing GCE A level and Prelim model essays and comprehension discussion. Classroom discussion and review will be complemented with informative thematic videos and useful facts and figures.

GP Tuition

Make Learning Productive with Good Notes @ Media Library

Students are often overwhelmed by the amount of information to study for General Paper. Students need to have a good understanding of many thematic issues and be prepared with a list of relevant examples to use when writing. Thus with good GP notes, students can save time on sourcing information on their own and are able to have an in-depth understanding of GP issues. More time can then be dedicated to attempting different essays and comprehension practices for revision.

GP Tuition

Good Analysis and Application of Knowledge

Students face the common difficulty in applying GP issues and knowledge learnt to real-world application questions. To tackle this issue, we teach using an exam-oriented approach to guide students towards an effective way to analyse and apply during the exam.

How do we prepare you for the A Level General Paper??

Ensuring the exam-readiness of students

GP Tuition

Cultivate Critical Thinking and Reflection

The tutor will hold frequent class discussions and provide article resources that help to widen students’ perspective on important GP matters. This hones their critical thinking skills to grasp concepts effectively and apple them in practice.

GP Tuition

Essay Writing Skills Development

Students will attempt many essay practices and familiarise themselves with different essay question types. They will learn the fundamentals of essay writing, such as outline writing, perspective setting and rebuttal. The tutor gives regular reviews and feedback to improve the students’ writing skills.

GP Tuition

Comprehension Skills Development

Students will get sufficient practice attempting our comprehension questions, consisting of short answer questions, summary and application questions. This will help students develop critical reading and writing skills like information extraction, inference and paraphrasing. The tutor will also mark and go through completed practices in detail, ensuring that students fully understand the practices.

Want to attain your desired Grade A?

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